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Music Therapy Article: My Special Child

Music Therapy Article: My Special Child

My Special Child...

by MB (mother of a child with autism)

All children are special to the hearts of every parent. Everyone needs attention but, some need extra special attention!  I want to impart to all of you a lot of memories we have with our special son but I know, a day will not be enough to share with you all the details.

When I got pregnant, I told myself that I want to personally attend to our children’s needs. Not knowing there will really be a need to do so.   I believe that it happened not because of just my wanting but because of the Divine intervention from above.

If not for the guidance, it will be late for us to notice something with our child’s behaviors. Luckily those behaviors were only his being hyperactive, delayed speech and no eye contact.  Other than those things, he is a very fine boy. Witty did I say that?  For us his family, our son is special not because of the things he cannot do but because of the things that he does that even us regular adults ignore or may I say those things that really don’t matter to us!

I’ll share with you some of the things that counts a lot.  There’s this one time that I had to do an errand and our son was sick.  My mother-in-law  has to pitch in for me.  While I was away, his grandmother, seated on the floor, fed him.  When suddenly he stood up and ran to the playroom.  When he went back he was carrying a small stool and he pulled his lola up.  Pointing to the stool, he then pulled her down to sit.  He can’t talk much yet at that time, but this little child with his little mind suffering from a high fever had all the strength to think of the comfort to give his grandmother.  Tears flowed from my mother-in-law’s eyes.

My husband and I  will always cherish every moment we have with him.  He started to communicate when he was three years old.  He always ask us to hug him before he sleeps.  He doesn’t forget praying and he often reminds us who will lead the prayer.  He is so compassionate to poor children. He always tells her sister that they are lucky to have food to eat and toys to play with and that they should share.  Upon learning that I am pregnant with our third child, our son is so conscious that he was to be careful.  He never misses to kiss my growing stomach before leaving the house and before retiring at night.  With his innocence, he told me one time that he will take care of our coming baby by teaching him/her to play the Gameboy and playstation!  He keeps on counting the days and months to keep track on the baby’s birth.  Simple things, simple mind but with a big heart and sincerity, that’s what makes him special!

Barely after a month learning how to communicate spontaneously, he learned to read, spell and do mathematics.  The music followed.  Both sides of our family have the inclination to music.  That is why we were not surprised when one day we heard someone playing a birthday song in the piano.  Our son was playing it.  I was so happy the long awaited plan to let him learn to play the piano came without pressuring him.  I then ask for referrals and the name Mrs. Celeste Sanchez was number one in the list.  We tried and after the fifth session, our son can already read notes.  My son improved all the more.  Maybe music is really in his heart that makes him connect to the world.  Music also helps him express himself through the melody and rhythm of every piece that he plays.  Music is also one special bonding moment in our family.  My husband plays the piano with him. especially when  reading the note come in.  I play with him only through ouido.

Everything is falling into place. Next school year our son will be entering the regular school.  With all hopes and so much faith in god, I do believe everything will be in its proper perspective. For as long as there’s love, care and for accepting for what he is, I know our son will always be surviving no matter what.

To all the people who touched our son’s life, to the teachers, therapists, doctors, to our loyal household helpers and to the members of our family, thank you very much.  To my mother, who I know that even in another life somehow helped me and guided me down here to raise my children in the way that  she will be doing if she was still alive. You will forever stay special in our son’s life!

(This article is submitted by the mother of our student with autism. Their identity is being hidden upon her request. We are proud to say we became part of the child's life and was able to help him through our Music Therapy program we designed for him, he is now in the mainstream.)

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